theatrical work
BJP has a long history of choreography, direction and performance in the theatre setting. Her works spans musical theatre, movement languages for plays, devised projects, and development of new work within professional, educational and community settings. Recent, select work includes:
Directed by Tom Story
Imagination Stage — Bethesda, MD, 2019
Directed by Tom Story
American University — Washington, DC, 2018
Too Much Unhappy
Directed by Aaron Posner
Associate Directed by BJP
American University — Washington, DC, 2021
Directed by Isaiah Wooden
American University — Washington, DC, 2018
My Fair Lady
Directed by Aimee Miron
Paramount Theatre — St. Cloud, MN, 2018
Boy Detective Fails
Directed by Aaron Posner
American University — Washington, DC, 2020
Directed by Aimee Miron
Paramount Theatre — St. Cloud, MN, 2019
Singin’ in the Rain
Directed by Chris Will
Lyric Repertory Theatre — Logan, UT, 2016